Your soft furnishings, can be upholstered in many different fabrics and fibres, some are susceptible to damage from liquids, some from solvents, prior to commencing cleaning, I will ascertain whether I can clean your upholstery, using my system.
Once tests have been carried out (on any fabric I see as susceptible). Soft furnishings are thoroughly vacuumed; the appropriate pre-spray is then applied, this is then worked into any heavily soiled area’s.
Your soft furnishings are now ready to be extracted, using the appropriate rinse agent and deodoriser, to leave fabric fresh, colour stabilised and conditioned.
Some fabrics require grooming, while drying, to realign the pile, this is done at the end of the cleaning process.
If you are having your upholstery stain protected, then it is applied at the end of extraction rinsing.
I use a large air-mover, to help speed up the drying process, leaving windows open, will help with this.